Contact Us
Talk to a Live Person. Not a machine.
When you call us you don't get the never-ending "press 1 now" options from an automated system. Our associates pick up ready to help.
- Toll-free and open to everyone: 800.264.3613
- Small business specialists: 877.380.0654
Pinnacle Anytime Automated System
Don't need a live person? Contact the automated system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to review your balances and transactions, transfer funds or stop a payment, and even get information on loans and CDs.
- Toll-Free: 866.755.5428
Pinnacle | Health & Benefits
If you have a question about your HSA, FSA, or any other health and benefit account Pinnacle offers, you can reach our specialized team from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT Monday through Friday.
- Consumers Toll-Free: 888.282.2605
- Employers Toll-Free: 888.282.2918
Submit an Application
Our vision is to be the best financial services firm and the best place to work in the Southeast. Pinnacle seeks top talent in its markets, inclusive of women and minorities, and that, through leadership and training opportunities, the company seeks to ensure diversity of backgrounds and perspectives, inclusive of race, ethnicity and gender, in its leadership. To learn more about our company, please check out our About Us section. To be considered for open positions, please submit an online application.
Applicant Resources and Notices
Transparency in Coverage Machine-Readable Files
Health insurers must make certain health care price information publicly available in downloadable machine-readable files. We’ve uploaded large, machine-readable files to be sure we’re compliant with the Transparency in Coverage Final Rule, including in-network negotiated rates and historical payments to out-of-network providers and their billed charges.
You can access our machine-readable files below. Please note these files are large and may take a while to download.
Email Us
We respond to all emails within 24 hours. So tell us what you think, report a problem or ask a question. We're listening.
Corporate Address
Pinnacle Financial Partners
21 Platform Way S.
Suite 2300
Nashville, TN 37203
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