Some Pinnacle offices are closed or operating with reduced hours due to winter weather. All office and weather updates will be posted to
Some Pinnacle offices are closed or operating with reduced hours due to winter weather. All office and weather updates will be posted to
The Internet demonstrates its ability to be an extremely useful tool for many Americans on a daily basis, just like an automobile. But just as you have to maintain an automobile to ensure safe and trouble-free travel, so too do we need to “maintain” our personal computers to protect all of the sensitive information we transmit across the Internet.
Keeping your privacy secure while using the Internet is essential to preventing your personal information from ending up in the wrong hands, especially if you conduct financial transactions online.
The federal government states that, at a minimum, online users should have anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall protection. Additional protection is highly recommended but should be tailored to fit your online usage. Even better, you may not have to worry about purchasing costly software packages. Many legitimate companies produce free software for personal use (not business use) that will provide ample security for your personal computer.
Pinnacle doesn’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions for managing your finances, and we don’t believe there is one definitive process for ensuring your personal security when using a computer. Whether preventative or reactionary, we suggest the following measures to ensure proper security for your personal computer usage. We recommend that you review the products below and determine which are best suited for you based on your individual situation.*
At a minimum, you should:
Depending on your level of online activity, you may wish to evaluate your need for more specialized security:
Quick Links
Protecting Your Privacy
Learn how we limit sharing of your personal information.
Stop Email Fraud
Help protect yourself against email scams.
Read this for steps you should take immediately.
If you believe your Pinnacle debit or credit card is lost or stolen, call us immediately.
Depending on the services you want, you should be able to discover an option that fits your needs and your budget.
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